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RHS Reps participated in event—Danish D’care Forum and Business Negotiations

On 14th, May, 2012, the wonderful event, Danish D’care forum and business negotiations, is held in Changdu holiday hotel and it organized by both Danish consulate and Chongqing municipal people’s government.
During this meeting time, Chinese speakers showed the current condition and development proposal on Chongqing old-age healthcare industry. And then, All participants from Denmark make a speech to introduce the current condition and development plan relevant to Danish old-age healthcare industry, also some topics like how to invest into Danish old-age healthcare sector, design old man apartment with low-carbon, comfortable and economic method, build care culture to old man group and conduct training to staff who working in healthcare institutes.
RHS General Manager and General Manager of Darde Architectural practice, Liujun and Cai yongqiang, they both join in this meeting. And have a beneficial, short conversation with some local real estate developers, as well as Danish Architectural Practice (SHL, KPF).
